Your Complete Style Makeover: Body Shape Assessment, Wardrobe Edit and Style Board with shoppable links

Your Complete Style Makeover: Body Shape Assessment, Wardrobe Edit and Style Board with shoppable links


Are you struggling to understand what looks best on you? Do you get frustrated by not knowing what to wear everyday and end up wearing the same outfits over and over? Do you wish you knew your unique style, what clothing styles look best on your body, and creativity in putting new outfits together? If so, this package is for you!

In this virtual style coaching service, you will learn your body silhouette, how to best dress your body shape, best colors for you, and how to put together outfits like a pro! You will receive a customized guidebook to keep and refer back to, style consultation, wardrobe/outfit review, and a shoppable style board with links for purchase.

  1. Style Questionnaires. I will send you a link to a questionnaire and request specific guided pictures to help prepare your style guide.

  2. Customized Style Guidebook. I will then create your customized guidebook and send it to you in a personalized PDF, showing best styles for your body type. You will also receive specific wardrobe/outfit feedback & guidance within your style guidebook. Additionally, you will receive your very own style boards where I shop for styles for you with links to purchase as you choose, within your style guidebook.

  3. Final follow-up call. I will set a call to review the customized style guide with you and answer any questions you may have.

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