Mixing Prints 101: Five Rules That Are Easy to Follow!

Fabric prints laid out

Does print mixing leave you feeling defeated?

Fall is a great time to practice mixing prints because there are A LOT of prints that emerge around this time. And it can really look amazing if you know how to do it well.

In this week’s blog, I’m giving you 5 easy rules to follow when mixing prints:

  1. Stick with the same base color- For example, if you have a black shirt with white star print, pair it with black shoes with a colorful floral print. So your shirt and shoe base color is black for both.

  2. Mix the same print, just different ways (varying scales)- For example, if wearing a herringbone print pant, mix in a herringbone jacket that is of a different scale (pants smaller herringbone, jacket larger herringbone).

  3. Stripes go with every other print- Think of stripes as the neutral part of your outfit. Just be sure to look at the color wheel and determine the colors you are mixing with are complementary or harmonious. For example, mix a white and navy striped shirt with a white and navy floral skirt.

  4. If mixing a bold print, pair with a smaller scale mild print- For example, a black polka dot shirt where the polka dots are small and white, with a black skirt with bold color animals on it. And there you have a perfectly paired outfit.

  5. At the end of the day, it’s more important to focus on matching the colors, not the prints- You can honestly wear most prints together. The key is to make sure the colors in the prints match and work well together. This is the biggest takeaway. I suggest purchasing a color wheel on Amazon and use it when looking at your prints to ensure they are complementary or harmonious.

See, mixing prints isn’t so bad. Now is the time to jump in and try it! It’s a great time to start. Let me see your print mixing beautiful outfits by tagging me on Facebook and/or Instagram @storytellerstylist.

P.S.- Did you see the most recent issue of Luxe Magazine? I am very proud to be on the cover of the magazine and excited to share my story with you. Check it out!

Have a wonderful weekend my dear!



Carrie Hagee