A New Year Isn't Just About Having a Fresh Start........

It’s also about remembering to leave the baggage at the 2019 door so your hands are free to open it for when you come out on the other side and enter 2020.

So how the heck do you do that? Strategy. But not before a little reflection first, my friend.

See, I believe you must first let go of the baggage, disappointments, and things you didn’t finish or stick to. Because all that is doing is weighing you down and preventing you from moving forward in the direction where you want to be! In order to move forward, you must stop looking back at your past mistakes.

Leave them at the door and move on my friend!

Now, you are ready. I’m giving you my personal strategies to start off 2020 with a fresh start.

  1. Detox your closet- seriously friend. If you haven’t already done this based upon my Closet Detox Guide, you need to do this TODAY! If you haven’t downloaded this free guide, you can download it here: Free Closet Detox Guide

  2. Cleaning out clutter will not only feel great, it will help you to maximize your time by creating the ability to see your clothes so that you no longer choose (or see in your closet) items that just do not work for you. Plus, you will become much more productive with an organized closet.

  3. Start a journal- or start a new one for the new year if you already journal. Journal your goals, your daily to-do lists, your dreams, and/or your gratitude. The simple act of writing these down not only creates awareness around them, but research shows it actually increases motivation, accountability, and increases your likeliness of achieving them. Writing is powerful so don’t discount this strategy.

  4. Create a written plan-again, writing down your plan so that you can see it daily increases successful completion of it. Whether it be getting out of debt, starting a business, or purchasing a home, plan out how you are going to go about it every step of the way. This will keep you energized and motivated. And we all know little “wins” are a big boost for your brain and motivation.

  5. Make exercise a habit- so I am well aware that finding the time to consistently exercise can be challenging. But if you make excuses, then you will never be able to overcome this hurtle. In order to fit exercise into my day, I have to wake up at 5:30 am, otherwise I know it doesn’t happen. That is the only time I can find to myself, before my family wakes up and starts their day. I also find this to be an awesome time to do something for myself and enjoy the quiet environment. It’s during this time when my best ideas come to mind so I keep a notebook with me as well. Even if you can only fit in 20-30 minutes a day, do it. Your body and mind will thank you.

  6. Take a risk- let this be the year you take a risk and start something you have always wanted to start but were too afraid to. Don’t let being scared of failure keep you from living your best life! If you fail (which you will at times, we all do), just learn from it, embrace it, and get back up and try again. If you don’t do it now, then when? There will always be some excuse that gets in the way so it’s time to put those excuses to bed and just do then darn thing!

We are not only starting a new year but a new decade. Make this year the year you said, no more bull, no more wishing you could get motivated, no more clutter in your life, and no more excuses. Instead, make this the year of believing in yourself, being the best version of you, pushing beyond your comfort zone, and being grateful for opportunities.

Don’t let another year go by not living your life’s purpose. January 1, 2020 is knocking on the door. Will you answer?

P.S. One way to keep you motivated is to join the Free Style Insider’s Private Facebook Group. Be part of a community of women motivating each other through style, confidence, and support. To join, simply click on this link: Style Insider's Private Facebook Group

Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to the journey with you.



Carrie Hagee